Slip Fall Prevention articles, an United States view

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From the United States
Slips and Falls Study: Objective Auditing Techniques to Control Slips and Falls in Restaurants June 2007 CNA

CNA is the 7th largest U.S. commercial insurer and the 13th largest U.S. property & casualty insurer. This excellent comprehensive and systematic study provides detailed information about the findings and recommendations.

“More than 3 million food service employees and over 1 million guests are injured annually as a result of restaurant slips and falls, according to the National Floor Safety Institute (NFSI).

The NFSI indicates that the industry spends over $2 billion on such injuries each year and that these injuries are increasing at a rate of about 10% annually.

According to the National Restaurant Association, slips and falls are the greatest source of general liability (GL) claims within the restaurant industry. CNA’s loss results mirror the National Restaurant Association information. Slips-and-falls injuries continue to be the leading source of GL losses incurred by our policyholders.

According to the National Safety Council, slips and falls constitute one of the leading causes of accidental death in the United States.”

Click on Objective Auditing Techniques to Control Slips and Falls in Restaurants June 2007 to read more.

Preventing Injuries from Slips, Trips and Falls
University of Florida
by Carol J. Lehtola, William J. Becker, and Charles M. Brown

This article quantifies the results of slips, trips and falling in the USA and provides very detailed information about various types of injures, causes and prevention methods.

“In 1999, over one million people suffered a slip, trip or falling injury, and over 17,000 Americans died as a result. Of the estimated 3.8 million disabling injuries each year in the work force,15 percent are due to slips, trips, or falls, which account for 12 to 15 percent of all Workers' Compensation costs. About 5,100 workers died from a fall in 1999.

The average direct cost for one disabling injury now approaches $28,000. Conservative estimates of indirect costs are significantly higher at $46,000. In the case of a death on the job, the average cost has recently been estimated at $940,000. Add to these the personal and family costs and trauma, and it is evident that slips, trips and falls should be avoided”

Click on Preventing Injuries from Slips, Trips and Falls to read more.

What Building Managers Can Do to Reduce the Chances of a Slip and Fall Accident and Lawsuit
Coastwide Laboratories
by Roger Mc Faden - Technical Director and Senior Chemist

This article provides a short, 5 point, very practical and common sense guide to a slip and fall prevention program which has lots of commonalities to our Floor Safety Maintenance Program.

Click on What Building Managers Can Do to Reduce the Chances of a Slip and Fall Accident and Lawsuit to read more.

Implementing a Slip Prevention Program
Weekly Editorials from
By Brandon O'Dell

This is a must read for every restaurant and commercial kitchen owner! This article provides an excellent explanation of what restaurant owners should do to prevent slip fall prevention. The article is especially good as it reinforces the proper cleaning method to be employed to ensure slip resistance and also not to waste money. It reinforces what our Floor Safety Maintenance Program offers, the proper cleaning practices and their importance..

“All over the country and the world, owners and managers are asking themselves, “What can we do better? What separates us from the really profitable companies? Operators want to know what the most successful companies do different that makes them consistently profitable and spurs growth. The answer? Profitable operators understand that success requires a plan for absolutely everything in their operation. They have effective programs to control losses and increase revenue in all areas. They don’t just concentrate on the big two”, labor and product cost, there is a plan for everything. This article addresses an often overlooked area in many restaurants, slip prevention.”

Click on Implementing a Slip Prevention Program to read more.

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